The development of hysteroscopy has provided a quick and easy approach to common gynecological problems such as abnormal uterine bleeding. A hysteroscope is a telescope that is inserted through the vagina and cervix into the uterus to visualize the intrauterine cavity as well as the tubal inlets, uterine canal, cervix and vagina. This can be assessed and treated by direct visualization, which is considered hysteroscopy.

Hysteroscopes can be from 3.1 mm to 10 mm wide. It is possible to work with different instruments inside. The procedure takes a maximum of one hour. You will be discharged the same day or the next day. Hysteroscopy offers fast and painless treatment. Life and work are fast. Since the procedure is performed vaginally, there is no scar on the abdomen.

In which diseases should hysteroscopy be used?

Abnormal pre- or post-menopausal uterine bleeding

Thickening of the uterine lining or polyps

Submucosal and some intramural fibroids

Superficial adenomyosis

Intrauterine adhesions

Abnormal or suspicious findings on imaging

Chronic excessive discharge

Thickening of the uterine lining

Diagnosis and treatment of uterine curtain

Removal of intrauterine devices (spiral)

Pregnancy complications

Cleaning the uterus after a miscarriage

Diagnosis and treatment of isthmocele

Continued bleeding after termination of pregnancy

Evaluation of cesarean delivery isthmocele

Endocervical lesions


Preoperative planning

Post-operative or post-procedure follow-up